About Us

The Los Angeles Tenth District PTSA is a subsidiary organization representing Los Angeles, established by the California State PTA to facilitate the administration of the affairs of the California State PTA and the carrying out of its program. The Los Angeles Tenth District PTSA helps to coordinate the work of the 5 councils and 102 PTA/PTSA units, with the plans and activities of the California State PTA and National PTA.

Founded in 1920
The organization which we call the Los Angeles Tenth District PTSA actually had its beginning in 1900 as being one of the first local PTAs to be established in what was then a national organization. It was called the Los Angeles Federation of Mothers’ Clubs. Two years later, in 1902, it changed its name to the Los Angeles Federation of Child Study Circles, a name that lasted only a few months, before being changed that November to California Congress of Mothers and Child Study Circles. In 1910, it added the prefix of the Los Angeles Federation to the name. In 1912 it was established as part of the First District of the California Congress of Parents and Teachers.
We officially became the Tenth District PTSA on June 30, 1920. That means that this year, our Los Angeles Tenth District PTSA is a young 100 years of age.
During these 100 years, we have seen our city grow from a little hamlet to a megalopolis. Our district’s programs have also grown to encompass the nation’s only health center clinic program originated and supported by PTA members, with assistance from donations and grants.
Our programs in parent education have also kept pace with the changing times. Where health and nutrition were main priorities in 1920, we now find such issues as drug abuse, adolescent pregnancy, teenage suicide, cultural diversity and television viewing skills on our busy agenda. School funding is a paramount concern today and the PTA has developed a legislative advocacy program to seek governmental support of public education and child welfare.

Our Focus
Children are still the focus of everything the PTA does, and are the reason for our existence. Parent involvement in the schools is essential to effective educational programs. This fact is increasingly being supported by studies of successful schools. But it is not simply parental involvement alone; it must be informed parental involvement. That is where the PTA can play a vital part in improving public education in our community.

The PTA at the National, State, and District levels promotes, plans, and offers seminars and workshops. The PTA also offers publications and other resources to educate parents in the fine art of parenting, health, alcohol, and drug abuse, in understanding school management issues which include school finance, safety, law enforcement, adolescent sexuality, and a multitude of community concerns.
Phoebe Apperson Hearst, Alice McClellan Birney and Selena Sloan Butler would be proud of us if they could see what has happened to the organization which they founded in 1897.
Our Board Members

Leslie Menjivar

Nadine Melara
1st Vice President

Verna Paul
2nd Vice President

Santa Ramirez
3th Vice President

Deana Vasquez
4th Vice President

Yvette Dayoan
5th Vice President

Yolanda Villarreal
6th Vice President

Alexandra Navarro

Winston Lynch

Fatima Vazquez

Anvi Kevany

Jean Saunders


Reflections Chair

Suraya Duran
Membership Chair